Iberians (3500 – 3000 B.C.)

They probably came to Britain from the Iberian Peninsula (Španělsko). They were small, dark hunters; later, they kept animals, grew corn, and learned how to make pottery.

Stonehenge (3000 BC) – it was probably a burial ground.

Beaker people (about 2000 B.C.)

They were strongly built and taller than the Iberians. They brought with them the knowledge of bronze. As a result, they were able to cultivate heavier soils.

Celts (700 B.C.)

They were tall, red-haired warriors who settled the whole of central and western Europe. They plundered, slaughtered, and drove the inhabitants into remote areas.

Roman Britain (55 B.C. – 5th century)

Some invasions were unsuccessful, but the actual conquest by Emperor Claudius took place in 43 A.D. By 80 A.D., the Romans had conquered England and Wales. In 128 A.D., Hadrian’s Wall was built to protect the conquered area from the invasions of Picts and Scots from the north.

In the 4th century, Roman rule began to decline due to growing chaos in Rome. In the 5th century, the Roman army was withdrawn from Britain. This left a free way for Saxon invaders.

Roman heritage: Roman roads, towns, remnants of Roman words and names (e.g., street, wall, mile).

The Anglo-Saxon period (5th – 11th century)

This invasion was a part of the Migration Period. The three most powerful tribes were the Angles (who gave name to the country as the most numerous tribe), the Saxons, and the Jutes.

In the 6th century, a group of 7 separate kingdoms arose in England: Kent, Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, and Wessex. They were unstable and often at war. In the 10th century, England was united under the Kings of Wessex.

Viking invasions (9th – 11th c.)

The development and peace of England was interrupted by the Vikings. They were Scandinavian fishermen, merchants, and farmers who lived in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They attacked English kingdoms one after another; only Wessex remained unconquered.

Alfred the Great, king of Wessex, finally managed to defeat them in 878. The invaders kept the north-eastern part of England, known as the Danelaw, a confederation of Scandinavian communities.

The Norman Conquest (1066)

In 1066, Edward the Confessor, an Anglo-Saxon king, died. As he had no son, his brother-in-law, Harold, became the king. However, the Duke of Normandy, later known as William the Conqueror, also claimed the throne.

In 1066, he beat King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. Harold was killed, and William the Conqueror became king. The conquest had far-reaching consequences for England. The relations with Scandinavia were cut, and it came under French cultural influence.

Magna Carta (13th century)

In 1215, King John signed the Magna Carta, which restricted the power of the ruler and recognized the rights and privileges of the barons and freemen. The ‘Great Charter’ became an essential part of English law.

Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)

Two great English noble houses wanted the crown: the House of Lancaster (with their symbol of a red rose) and the House of York (with their white rose). The last battle of the War of the Roses in 1485 ended thirty years of civil war in England at Bosworth Field when Lancastrian Henry Tudor’s army defeated the army of the Yorkist Richard III. However, by marrying the Yorkist princess Elizabeth, Henry brought the warring families together and brought peace to the country.

Church of England (16th century)

The English Reformation began during the reign of the Tudor dynasty when Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. She had not produced a son, only a daughter, Mary. The Pope refused to accept this divorce, so Henry founded the Church of England with himself as head in 1534 and divorced Catherine. He had a child with his second wife, Anne Boleyn, another girl, Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603).

In her age – called the Elizabethan age – England prospered in many ways. Her conflict with Roman Catholic Spain led to the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1558. Thus England became the leading power on the sea, which led to colonial development. When the queen died in 1603, England was a European power.

English Civil War (1642-1651)

The English Civil War was a conflict between Parliamentarians and Royalists. The Parliamentarians were led by Oliver Cromwell, who defeated king Charles I, had him executed, and changed the monarchy into the Commonwealth of England (a republic).

Glorious Revolution (1688)

The monarchy was restored in 1660, and Charles II succeeded to the throne. Later, when King James II (brother of Charles II) was suspected of imposing the Catholic faith on the English, the King was overthrown and James’ son-in-law William of Orange and his wife Mary became joint sovereigns after a successful invasion from Holland in 1688. This event is commonly known as the Glorious Revolution.

Industrial Revolution (18th – 19th century)

The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century with changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. It greatly affected social, economic, and cultural conditions. It started in Britain, which became the world’s first industrialized nation. This caused many social changes such as urbanization and improved standards of living for some, but poverty and miserable working conditions for others.

British Empire (19th century)

The 19th century was the height of the British Empire when it covered large parts of the world. The Industrial Revolution allowed for advancements in technology and transportation. By the end of the 19th century, Britain was at the height of its power.

World Wars (20th century)

Britain played a significant role in both World War I and World War II. The wars caused huge losses and led to significant social change.

Post-war period (after 1945)

After the Second World War, Britain faced economic challenges. It began to decolonize and grant independence to many colonies. The social, cultural, and political landscape of Britain changed significantly during this time.

Present day

Today, the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. It is known for its cultural diversity, contributions to science, literature, and the arts, and has a significant role in international relations.

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